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Diagram Event


This event system is still at its early stage, if it does not suit your case, feel free to open feature requests.

Some developers may want to use pintora in their applications which need to respond to user interaction in the rendered diagram.

Basic concepts

Remember how pintora operates different levels of intermediate representations during different phases?

When it comes to event handling, this procedure is kind of in reverse order. Don't worry, I'll explain these names later.

 DOM Event
| `@antv/g` Canvas
| () IRenderer
| () IDiagram
| pintora.diagramEventManager

For example, here is an ER Diagram, imagine you click the 'DELIVERY' entity block (not in this doc page, open it in the live editor and open the DevTools console).

  PERSON ||--o{ DELIVERY : makes
  1. DOM Event is first captured by the underlying @antv/g lib, it emits its GraphEvent to the listeners.
  2. IRenderer listens and handles those events, relates the graphEvent.shape with pintora GraphicsIR's mark, and emits IGraphicEvent.
  3. IDiagram gets IGraphicEvent, relates its mark to some logic data of its DiagramIR, this process is called recognition. Each diagram has its unique logic data, so it may implement a recognizer that produces several types of items. for example, an er diagram has these types of items:
    1. type: 'entity', data is the entity
    2. type: 'relationship', data is the relationship between two entities
  4. Finally, from the IDiagramEvent, you know an entity is clicked.

Interfaces of the events

* Graphic event that triggered from the renderer
export interface IGraphicEvent {
type: DiagramEventType
* Target mark
mark: Mark | undefined
* Mark chain, bottom up from target mark to the top container
markPath: Mark[] | undefined
// ...
* Diagram event that recognized and reduced from IGraphicEvent,
* has more logic data of the DiagramIR
export interface IDiagramEvent<
D extends keyof PintoraDiagramItemDatas = any,
T extends keyof PintoraDiagramItemDatas[D] = any,
> {
type: DiagramEventType
graphicEvent: IGraphicEvent
item: DiagramEventItem<D, T>

* Item that holds data in event payload
export type DiagramEventItem<
D extends keyof PintoraDiagramItemDatas = any,
T extends keyof PintoraDiagramItemDatas[D] = any,
> = {
* From which diagram
diagram: D
* Data item type, e.g. 'entity' in a er diagram
type: T
* Often relates to `mark.itemId`
id: string
* Extra data that has different shape, depending on the type
data?: PintoraDiagramItemDatas[D][T]

* An interface that holds diagram item data types and shapes.
* Like `PintoraConfig`, this interface can be augmented later as more diagrams are being added.
* P.S. The default key `unknown` is just a placeholder for type inference, don't use it.
export interface PintoraDiagramItemDatas {
unknown: {
unknown: unknown

How to bind event callbacks

Only in one render

You can pass the eventsHandlers option to the render call, and it will only be triggered by this one render's output.

pintora.renderTo(code, {
// ... other opitons
eventsHandlers: {
dblclick(dEvent) {
console.log('diagramEvent dblclick', dEvent.item)

Global listener

If you want to listen to diagram events for all renders, there is a global pintora.diagramEventManager

pintora.diagramEventManager.on('mouseleave', (dEvent) => {
console.log('diagramEvent mouseleave', dEvent.item)

Note: only the renders that happen after the event binding will trigger the event handler.

Available diagram events

Diagram event recognition is not required for diagram implementation, only some of the diagrams will produce diagram events.

After being extended by some builtin diagrams, the data shape is like this:

interface PintoraDiagramItemDatas {
er: {
entity: Entity
relationship: Relationship
sequence: {
actor: Actor
message: Message

So if you listen to the events, click the entity, and you will get the callback data:

pintora.diagramEventManager.on('click', (dEvent) => {
console.log('diagramEvent click', dEvent.item)
// {
// diagram: 'er',
// type: 'entity',
// id: 'entity-DELIVERY',
// data: {
// name: 'DELIVERY',
// // .. other properties of the entity
// },
// }